Codename: Jon-Sohn
Affiliation: Figures Collectors
Sub-group: Mature Collectors Too Often Accused Of Simply Playing With Their Collectible Figures That Are Not, I Repeat, NOT Toys!
Modus Operandi: Buy ’em if they are cool and then make up some smart-ass BS collectible-related reason why you did.
Motto 1: ‘I am not playing, I am posing!’
Motto 2: ‘Yes, I really need to buy this one too and no, it’s not the same as others!’
Motivation: This blog is as good (and as destined to fail) an attempt as any other at convincing The World (and, most important, my Wife) that buying stacks of figures is not a complete waste of money and can serve an actual goal other than to further clutter every single shelf and remaining desk space. And if at least a single person finds some useful or entertaining content here then it will be worth it. Hell, it will be worth it even if nobody ever wanders here – as long as I get to have some fun time with my toys! … Ok, that sounded wrong. And THESE ARE NOT TOYS!